Wednesday, May 6, 2009


ok so welcome to the blog. Like many of you, I like to eat. And I like to criticize. So why not do both? It's no Chez Pim but I lerve eating. I think that having a bad meal is a waste of a good appetite (and time, and money and food - it had so much potential, you know?).

I've been fortunate to eat at some great restaurants. And unfortunate to eat at a bunch of crap ones. So as I hunt for the good places, I'll write about them.

oh am I am a semi-victim of the credit crunch so there's not much fancy eating going on.

most of the stuff will be about Montreal, where I'm currently based. But I'll write about places that I've been to elsewhere too.

so I am supposed to be learning lines for an audition tomorrow but I need to make some food and I'm easily distracted...

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